We are able to apply both existing solutions based on neural networks and implement innovative ideas. We have gone all the way from the origin of ideas to the creation of a variety of end products that are successfully used in retail, business and the public sector. Based on our experience, we can help companies and ML professionals to promote, evaluate and integrate their solutions in business, with an audit of both the solution itself and the potential sales market.
The implementation of neural networks and solutions based on them may concern one or more tasks of your company or your potential customer's company, for example:
object detection, classification, and recognition;
collection and analysis of statistical data;
automation of productions.
To draw up an expert opinion, we will need detailed technical specifications and initial data from you. If the latter were not integrated into your infrastructure, we will also have to conduct preparatory work to collect initial information about the object.
Most often, the main question comes down to the correct and accurate statement of the problem and the description of the necessary and sufficient result. If you have questions about the integration of neural networks and other elements of artificial intelligence systems, please contact us and we will help you both formalize the idea and implement the final product.
Key competencies
- Neural network training on GPU, Tensorflow
- Intel OpenVINO: converting and running of neural networks "on the edge" and in the data center, optimizing the cost of inference
- Intel RealSense: using depth cameras, stereo pairs, lidars, and tracking cameras in robotics
- Intel MyriadX and their application in inference of neural networks
- Data marking, CVAT
- Trajectory analysis
- Adapting AI systems to business tasks
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